Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ok, ok, ok!

*Looks around*

The quilt top has been pieced together and it looks so lovely! I was able to pin the batting and the backing to the quilt top and start quilting. I added a mother of pearl button to the central block. I did some linear quilting pattern in some of the areas around the central block. It may take me some more time before I complete the quilt. I hope to finish it soon and put up the picture on the blog.

By the way, Happy 4th of July just in advance! :D

New Gadgets!!!

I'm always on the prowl for interesting gadgets in the world of quilting.

I think I may have stumbled upon an intriguing website for quilt design software. The Electric Quilt software allows you to design your quilt ideas on their EQ program before you even have a chance to run for the pen and paper to craft your inspiration down! The prices are a bit expensive for my budget but hopefully later on I will be able to buy and try it out until my laptop screams at me, "No More!"

Here is the link to the EQ site:

P.S. The lowdown on my quilt is: well... check out the latest post upcoming in few minutes!